
Bei Connect44 zu arbeiten, fühlt sich an wie Teil einer grossen Familie zu sein.

Das Besondere an meiner Arbeit sind die Kolleg:innen, mit denen ich eng zusammenarbeite. Es erfüllt mich mit grossem Stolz, zu sehen wie unsere Teams erfolgreich zusammenarbeiten, um Connect44 und uns selbst zum Erfolg zu verhelfen.

Ich schätze es sehr, in einem familiären Umfeld zu arbeiten und bin mit meiner Arbeit sehr zufrieden. Während meiner Karriere habe ich fantastische Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten bekommen und nach 13 Jahren bin ich immer noch gespannt auf das, was die Zukunft bringen wird.

Michael Dakin

UK Managing Director

Connect44 Testimonials

Ich schätze das Vertrauen, das Connect44 in mich setzt.

Das Unternehmen verfügt über mehrere Niederlassungen in ganz Europa, die ich persönlich besuchen durfte, um somit aus erster Hand die unglaubliche Leidenschaft und Energie zu erleben, die das gesamte Unternehmen, nicht nur unser britisches Büro, auszeichnet.

Die Arbeit bei Connect44 ist geprägt von täglichen Herausforderungen, denen wir uns stellen, um unseren Kunden den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. Als Team streben wir gemeinsam nach Spitzenleistungen. Das bedeutet, dass wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen und einladen, um nach einem langen Tag oder besonders anstrengenden Wochen zusammenzukommen und zu entspannen.  Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass der Erfolg von Connect44 auf dem wirklich einzigartigen Gefühl beruht, Teil einer Gemeinschaft der Connect44-Familie zu sein.

James Searle

UK Services Director

Connect44 Testimonials

Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich vor mehr als fünf Jahren zu Connect44 gekommen bin. Damals war es ein neu gegründetes Unternehmen auf dem rumänischen Markt, bei dem ich die Möglichkeit hatte, am Maya-Projekt mitzuarbeiten, das ich während meiner vorherigen Tätigkeit initiiert hatte. Seitdem liegt mir das Maya-Projekt sehr am Herzen, nicht zuletzt wegen den Menschen, die dort arbeiten, und dem tollen Teamgeist, der dort herrscht. Ich denke, es war eine lohnende Herausforderung, zu sehen, wie sich das Projekt entwickelt hat und dazu beizutragen, dass das internationale Maya-Team zu einer echten Gemeinschaft zusammengewachsen ist.

Die Connect44 hat mir ermöglicht, enge Arbeitsbeziehungen aufzubauen, meine Ideen und Vorschläge zu teilen und angehört zu werden. Diese Erfahrung war sehr bereichernd und hat mein Wissen und meine Fähigkeiten erweitert. All diese Werte sind für mich sehr wichtig, da ich sie in anderen multinationalen Telekommunikationsunternehmen, in denen ich bisher gearbeitet habe, nicht kennen gelernt habe.  Meine rumänischen und britischen Vorgesetzten haben mich darin bestärkt, Wachstum und positive Veränderungen zu schaffen, und ich fühle mich als Mensch wertgeschätzt. Ich möchte mich herzlich bei allen bedanken, die mich auf dieser Reise begleitet haben, und ich freue mich auf die Aufgaben, die vor mir liegen.

Monica Miclea

Service Delivery Manager

Connect44 Testimonials

Having worked for several corporates, I wanted to experience the buzz of a collaborative, work hard, fun environment for my future career. The culture at Connect 44 is a real breath of fresh air in this regard with great people all focussed together for success!
Paul Richmond
Key Account Manager – UK
As Service Delivery Manager and Project Management Office, I progress every day on my respective subjects. I have a great freedom of action and the subjects are more interesting than the others. What I appreciate most is the international strength of the Group and the availability of my colleagues all around Europe. I've already been on two trips since I joined the group and realized remarkable encounters.
Service Delivery Manager – France
Working at Connect44 is like working within a family, with amazing people who are not only colleagues but friends, going beyond strict work relationships. There is no daunting task when your back is covered by such a great human team. Connect44 is a company that does not limit your career, pushing yourself as an engineer and allowing you to get skills in different fields in a framework of important international collaboration.
Cristina Rojas
Radio Optimisation Engineer – Spain
When I joined Connect44, I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but I can confidently say that it has been one of the best decisions I've made. The team of professionals here is truly remarkable, bringing their expertise and passion to every project. The working environment is filled with good vibes, fostering collaboration and growth. We take immense pride in serving our customers, going above and beyond to meet their needs and exceed their expectations. It's a privilege to be part of a company that not only delivers exceptional results but also cultivates a culture of excellence and teamwork.
Mircea Raceanu
Group Solutions Lead - Romania
Working for Connect44 is having the chance to be in a multicultural, dynamic, relaxed, and young-spirited work environment every day. It's never a dull day at work - there is a great sense of community and friendship among colleagues, which makes us feel free to create and share our ideas. The company provides opportunities for everyone to grow both professionally and personally, and it has been an enriching experience for me since my very first day.
Lorrayne Johanson
Service Desk Specialist (Portugese)– Spain
Working for Connect44 is having the chance to be in a multicultural, dynamic, relaxed, and young-spirited work environment every day. It's never a dull day at work - there is a great sense of community and friendship among colleagues, which makes us feel free to create and share our ideas. The company provides opportunities for everyone to grow both professionally and personally, and it has been an enriching experience for me since my very first day.
Merveille ELANGA
Talent Acquisition Manager – France
I have been working at Connect44 for more than 3 years now as a Human Resources Manager for France. Connect44, which is present in several European countries, has enabled me to discover what group cohesion really is by having very frequent contacts and mutual support with my counterparts in other countries. It is very reassuring to know that we are a real Culture and People Team. Well-being in a company is essential and at Connect44 it is a state of mind !
Anne-Charlotte Caseta
People Operations Manager – France
I joined the company without any recruiter expertise and appreciate the faith Connect44 has shown in me. Right from the beginning, I received the support I needed to progress further and build on my personal strengths. Nowadays I support diverse projects within whole Europe, which makes my work varied and interesting. But the best is working with the team, which is unique, helpful, warm and feels familiar. I look forward to more years of challenges, experiences on which I can grow and progress.
Ivan Ruggiero
Talent Acquisition Specialist - Switzerland
I started at Connect44 Netherlands when we opened our new Den Haag office in July 2022. Working for Connect44 means submerging yourself in a multicultural, dynamic, young, and flat organization. Connect44 provides many opportunities for growth, both professionally and personally. As a team, we are working hard to create and build the networks of the future. Working hard, means offloading hard. Every month we get together as a team, to discuss the month and offload together.
Sedat Gultekin
Head of Operations - Netherlands
Working for Connect44 has been fantastic experience as I’ve worked here for more than a year now and every day is a new experience. The organization is very multicultural and with offices across Europe and Asia we get to interact with colleagues from various nationalises and cultural background, which is also another facet of working for Connect44. I have the full support of my direct managers and leadership teams for professional and personal growth. To top it off, Connect44 culture is unmatched and looking forward to continuing the journey for many years to come.
Sakthivell Nakulan
Delivery Manager – Malaysia